(+351) 934 777 392 and (+351) 932 492 264


Birthday on board

Celebrating an anniversary aboard our Ocean Bliss tour is a terrific idea!

Our friend Marta’s Father thought it would be a great idea, and offered her a party with her friends! What a party it was!

You’re welcome to celebrate any occasion with us too!


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This is the first video of our teaser series “Desconfina-te!”, aiming at teasing Portuguese to go outside after the quarantine, in a safe way: our Yacht!

Contact us for details, if interested!


Ocean Bliss New Video

Just released, our new Ocean Bliss Tour video shows a lot about what we do in a full day tour in our 12m/39ft yacht.
It was completely filmed during our tours, with several cameras, drones and phones.

It’s a great day out and we’re happy to have everyone on board with us!

Check the video!!!
Thanks so much to Frankie Chavez for letting us use his music!
Also, a very special thanks to Pedro Gomes Pereira for the edition!


Acabado de lançar, o nosso novo video do Ocean Bliss Tour mostra muito do que fazemos num dia inteiro a bordo do nosso iate de 12 metros.
Foi filmado durante os nossos tours, com diversas câmeras, drones e telefones.

É um excelente dia no mar, e temos todo o gosto de receber todos a bordo!

Vejam o video!!!
Muito obrigado ao Frankie Chavez por nos deixar usar a sua música!
Ainda um agradecimento muito especial ao Pedro Gomes Pereira pela edição video!

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