We just finished our new clip for our Ocean Bliss tour! Hope you enjoy it. Join us this Summer in Arrábida!
Baby dolphin in Arrábida
European Shag at Berlengas Islands
13th July 2020 – Around Lisbon guide spotted an European Shag, a species growing abundant at Berlengas Islands, chasing fish near the beach, where people were bathing.
It proved to be totally fearless of Humans, swimming around confidently.
Berlengas is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and this species is protected by law.
Birthday on board
Celebrating an anniversary aboard our Ocean Bliss tour is a terrific idea!
Our friend Marta’s Father thought it would be a great idea, and offered her a party with her friends! What a party it was!
You’re welcome to celebrate any occasion with us too!
Ocean Bliss New Video
Just released, our new Ocean Bliss Tour video shows a lot about what we do in a full day tour in our 12m/39ft yacht.
It was completely filmed during our tours, with several cameras, drones and phones.
It’s a great day out and we’re happy to have everyone on board with us!
Check the video!!!
Thanks so much to Frankie Chavez for letting us use his music!
Also, a very special thanks to Pedro Gomes Pereira for the edition!
Acabado de lançar, o nosso novo video do Ocean Bliss Tour mostra muito do que fazemos num dia inteiro a bordo do nosso iate de 12 metros.
Foi filmado durante os nossos tours, com diversas câmeras, drones e telefones.
É um excelente dia no mar, e temos todo o gosto de receber todos a bordo!
Vejam o video!!!
Muito obrigado ao Frankie Chavez por nos deixar usar a sua música!
Ainda um agradecimento muito especial ao Pedro Gomes Pereira pela edição video!